The ground rumbles under the pair as they stand in the kitchen Tommy scolding Shawn about kidnapping Lycana.
“What the fuck is that!?” Shawn interrupts Tommy as the bowls begin to rattle on the countertop.
“Earthquake! Get outside!” Romeo shouts as he takes off to the front door, intentionally grabbing the scroll and the journal to ensure it wouldn't be lost should the building come down.
Shawn follows closely behind cautiously, the closer the two get to the front door the more Shawn becomes aware that this earthquake isn't a natural occurrence. This was a spell and he could feel it. Shawn storms out the front yard and sprints to the gate. He throws it open and looks into the distance. Tommy appears behind him after a few moments and he points to the two figures in front of them. “Its the bitch and her boyfriend.”
“See what you did now Shawn, you pissed off the witchwolf and the disabled one.” Tommy smacks him across the back of the head and Shawn glares at him.
“Territo! Ummm Creare Lucem! Shit Animos Incremento!.......PERCUTIAM DEI!” Tommy shouts at the top of his lungs as a bolt of lightning from the heavens strikes the opening of the Canyon now forming in front of them. Suddenly all goes quiet and the 4 stare at each other in silence. The Dissentients letting each other's hands go and walking away.
Shawn turns around wildly to face Tommy. “THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! You summoned a bolt of fucking lightning AND YOU ALMOST HIT THEM!”
“That's not what my intention was, I have no idea what i'm doing.. I could have killed us.. I could have killed Lycana in that shed. I shouldn't use these powers until I have a handle on them.. I think I need to go to Verona and look into my heritage more.” Tommy turns around and solemnly walks back towards the house.
“Hey man! I gotta tell you something.. So like I can feel all this magical energy stuff ever since I walked through that mirror and you're clearly not alone. Everything that has gone down today has proved that. And i've got just the person to show you that…” Shawn pulls out his phone to make a call but is interrupted by the woman herself in person.
“What the hell happened?” Arcana storms towards them, her emotions flowing wildly around her as her eyes take in the enormous gulch with its steaming hole in the center.
“Yoooo Tommys got some sort of fucking powers now! “ Shawn runs over to her a giant grin on his face. “Did you not see that shit happen? Where have you been? Nevermind that you gotta show Tommy what you can do. He's all freaked out. He set the shed on fire with Lycana in it earlier and then she fucking busted out of it all hulking wolf beast! And then we ran away…. But she came back! With Marf! And they fucking broke the fucking ground and then BOOM! Tommys all like LIGHTNING BOLT! IT WAS CRAZY!!!!” Shawn rants to Arcana all the while staring at her with a dumb smile as they walk towards the front door.
“Whoa, slow down a little Shawn.” she shakes her head as she tries to make sense of his rambling. “What do you mean there was a fire? And Lycana…?” Arcana stops dead in her tracks. “She turned? Are you… are you sure?”
“YOU KNEW!? YOU KNEW AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME!? She was gonna eat me if she wasnt all charred up I know it! Yeah I'm sure she turned!” Shawn shouts his arms flailing in the air.
“SHE WASNT SUPPOSED TO HAVE POWERS!” she snarls right back. “If she has that, how much more…” Arcana shakes her head. “And now Tommy… pulled lightning, from the sky?” Perhaps this little journey was a little more than she had bargained for.
“I showed him the mirror I told you about and there was this old man and then a bright light then all this magical energy just like, forced its way into Tommy's body. It was too much for me.. Completely overwhelming energy. It brought me to my knees.” Shawn looks at her with wide eyes. Same thing when Lycana turned. It was different; it felt like it came from the earth itself.” Shawn continues walking to the door.
“You need to learn how to harness it, control it so that it doesn't control you.” She follows him inside. “I can show you, but it will take time and focus on your part.”
“Right now I need you to help my man here before he implodes on himself with a spell or something.” Shawn points to Tommy sitting in the living room, the scroll and journal still clutched tightly in his hands.
Arcana walks over to Tommy and sits next to him, holding out her hand. “Show me, so I can help you.” She glances over at Shawn in warning, already anticipating that Tommy would not believe her. She holds her other hand out to the side and lights a dancing purple flame on it.
“I don't know what any of it means.” He hands her the scroll “His eyes jumping to her other hand with the open flame glowing from it. He chuckles a bit. “I'm not even surprised that your… Irregular, at this point. Who knows who can do what anymore?”
“I do….” Shawn grins from the corner of the room. “I told you I can feel it in people.”
The flame vanishes as she holds the scroll in both hands, eyes scanning it. “Incantations. Have you said all of them out loud? And only some worked?”
“Yeah seemingly only some have worked. I set the shed on fire by accident. And there was a bolt of lightning earlier.” Tommy opens the journal then closes it nervously. “Ive never been afraid of myself before.”
Arcana stares at him. “This is nothing to play around with. You need to go figure out where it came from, and keep your mouth shut until you know just what happened.” She hands him back the scroll. “I cant help until you do that. So stop being stupid, and randomly shouting these out before you drop a lightning bolt onto a friend next time.”
“Yeah I kinda already said the same thing earlier. This journal speaks a lot about Verona and Venice. Apparently I had a great ancestor who was some sort of Duke here in Italy. Maybe that's where ill start.” Tommy stands up off the couch. “We've gotta get another rental. It may be time to abandon this one and move into Spain at least while the Warfare is there. I've got some logistics to figure out. Tommy looks at Arcana. “You poor thing. Watch the Spyder… he's got a thing for redheads.”Tommy walks out of earshot but continues to yell. ‘ And he constantly forgets he has a girlfriend back home!”
“Poor me?” Arcana chuckles. “Poor Spyder.” She looks at Shawn as she rises from her spot and walks towards him. “It would be smart of you to remember that girlfriend when I’m around.” She boops him on the nose with a pleasant smile.
A Few Days Later
Shawn sits in the living room as the moving company packs up the remaining belongings for the move to Toledo where RMI would be setting up shop for the remainder of the Warfare tour of Spain. “Fuck it well do one more here I guess.” Shawn pulls his mask over his face and sets his phone up to stream. “Hello friends.. Looks like I get to have some fun with Ms Multiple personality. I don't have much to say to you Fury… You don't scare me at all. You're nothing compared to the shit I've had to deal with from your stable mates. A walk in the park that's what this is gonna be at Savage. Sure you have your robots and Baphomets and whatever else. You know how I know your nothing to fear? Maybe you should talk to Lycana and see what she did this week, maybe she'll let you see for yourself why you're not so intimidating. You're just a plain old person compared to what the rest of us have going on. You're just a normie as some would say. Have fun on your ride to hell Fury Ill be the first one to drive the nail into your coffin. Look to the Skies!! And dont get caught on your back.